Top 5 Wednesday: Fandoms I’m Not Really a Part of Anymore


Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes and created by Lainey from Gingerreadlainey.

There are so many fandoms out there that, sometimes, a few might be outgrown or get left by the wayside or some other such thing. The point is, we can’t keep up with every fandom forever. New ones are springing up all the time with different characters and fascinating twists we hadn’t thought of before, or maybe updated classics that feel more comforting that the original.

Today’s topic got me to look back at some of the fandoms I was in at one point. I might still enjoy these from time to time, but definitely not to the level that I once did.



I remember going to the midnight showing of the first film, having read the book and waiting for the movie for ages. I remember reading casting rumors and speculating about what would be in it and what wouldn’t. I even stayed up two nights in a row to finish New Moon and Eclipse. However, by the time the Breaking Dawn films came around, I could feel my interest waning. I do kind of want to read the series again, just to remember, but I wouldn’t consider myself a Twihard anymore.


Laurell K. Hamilton’s Meredith Gentry series, Or:

The Sexy Faerie Books

There was a time that I could tell you everything there was to know about this series. I randomly found A Kiss of Shadows in the library one day and got it because I liked Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. Then, once I started dating my now husband, he would get me the next Meredith Gentry book every year. I forget when I started falling out of love with them, but I don’t really remember much about these books anymore. I know I never finished all of them and I don’t really feel a burning need to get back to them either, though I imagine I will someday, just to find out what happened to everyone.

(Also, he wanted me to call them the Sexy Faerie books because dear lord there’s a lot of sex in this series.) *lol*


The Dragonriders of Pern

A friend introduced me to these books back in high school and, once she knew I liked them, got me into role-playing games based on the series. I remember thinking that was so much fun and having the best time. Now, though, it’s been years since I’ve read one of the Pern books and I haven’t played the RPG since high school. 😦



I had to cut back at some point on some things and Outlander, “sadly”, did not make the cut. Plus, the author was something of a nasty person online around the time I was clearing the air so I didn’t want that kind of negativity around. This was a fandom I was okay with letting go and don’t really anticipate going back to.


My Little Pony

I remember getting up before school and watching early episodes, or getting home on a half day and watching later episodes. The point is, the original My Little Pony  was my favorite cartoon as a kid. I loved watching the flying ones and the unicorns and even the land ponies were cool because they could talk and look pretty and still be amazing.

While I’m still kind of into the general idea of the fandom (I can converse about Friendship is Magic a bit), I’m not nearly as much of a Brony/Pegasister/etc. as I once was.


All pictures, quotes, and videos belong to their respective owners. I use them here solely for the purpose of review and commentary.

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